Wednesday 28 August 2013

Falling Indian Currency yet gold on constant rise

Falling Indian Currency yet gold on constant rise

            At time when Indian economy is at doldrums next only to that of Brazilian economy, two things are constantly in news. One, off course is our currency’s rate depletion against USD, leading aftermaths and second rise in Gold prices despite the currency/economic slowdown. A leading pool of financial experts, business analysts even state Gold to be made a leading carrier of our currency or given equal rights as its one of the only commodities that’s ever on a constant rise.
           Some trader unions, panelists of renowned survey firm, gold brokers etc even touts to share/transform one’s money to Gold to have a pool of liquid reserves that can be utilized at time when crisis cripples us or nation. Thus it acts as one of sources to boost our economic downturn. According to sources quoted by Bombay bullion association with a leading newspaper daily shows a startling figure of Gold price closing at Rs.32, 585/10 gram an increase of 2.5 % than a week ago. Against pound an increase of 1% to close at £1,721 amidst the deepening economic crisis.
            India largest producer of Gold, Silver and other such precious metals contribute near about 50% of total reserves. At this moment a query which arises in one’s mind is why there is huge inflation & economic downturn that’s affecting India? The answer is well known. It’s corruption that endangers and makes this issue very grave. But startling fact is that it’s not just corruption but just like money laundering, gold laundering and hoard of illegal activities which powers these issues to an untouched levels.  
            Gold acts as a current asset because of fact that at time of crisis, all assets like Gold, silver, diamond and other precious materials are soaring high and there utility lies in that they can be converted into currency on exchange . Despite this only issue is the considerable drop in our currency rates.
             Gold, silver products are also soaring and is in high demand throughout the time period due to religious, traditional believes, marriage functions, utility of being used and exchange source for purchase of any commodity next only to currency at certain levels and can be converted into liquid reserves at time of crisis so that one can remain satisfied to certain extent.
             The yellow metal surge ahead of the rest in India because of fact that there’s unprecedented support to it and bulk purchases attract a lot of reduction and margin as it acts as a booster to increase our country’s economic condition. RBI-India’s financial power head have even proposed to government to propose a “Gold hour” in the two houses of Rajyasabha and Loksabha where a close monitor will track Gold rates and also invent various methodologies to use it as an alternative against Rupee.
         I would certainly welcome this move if our government takes a decisive framework against this proposal, but at same time want them to take stringent mechanisms against any violators, gold launderers like the way currency is just a puppet in hands of corrupt officials, money minded people due to which two extreme situation has arise wherein wealth have been accumulated/inherited by few and which has given rise to “Rich getting richer and poor becoming even poorer” as well as “Malnutrition”, ”Hoarding of precious commodities” leading to biggest menace that of “Inflation & recessed economy”

          If Indian government doesn’t take right actions, then it would be “Now or never” game for general public. They must also realize that passing off/ bucking under new concept “Food bill” for poor will subdue just hunger and defend malnutrition, but to eradicate greater combat in form of Inflation as well as recession is to be self defiant and device an alternative form of currency which would be untouched, stable enough to provide new dimensions to erstwhile global issues. 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

A peep into the past and ever changing world

A peep into the past and ever changing world

With the dawn of 21st century-the era of machines, automatic technology and many more, it has completely overpowered the way the world looked once upon a time. Like the story of “Alice in Wonderland” there’s a complete makeover of the way technology has completely transformed our world. At the very moment an age old adage “Necessity being the mother of all inventions” scripted truly by its inventor strikes my memoirs.
               Undoubtedly this has become a facet of modern day life when reality bites show that human craze to dominate almost everything with shear will, wild imagination coupled with the awesome trio of necessity, hoards of desires and preferences paving way for a transformed life. Needless to point out that there are certain things which are eliminated/extinct as a methodology of “survival of fittest”.
              Some of the man-made inventions that were once very popular, but have now been phased out completely paving way for newer, faster, dynamic inventions. Some of the examples are as given below:
v  Letters and post office: The first thing to get completely wiped out with the present ever changing context is the yester year’s best mode of communication and medium of exchange of communication-Letters & post office. In July 2013, these one’s powerful medium of communication was completely phased out.  Attributes which lead to extinction of these common man’s best friend are:
1.       Slowness and emerging technologies: Today the era is marked by the world of E-net and E-mails which are very dominant, ultra fast, modern and can be accessed by anyone, anywhere even when on the go. There’s absolutely no time being wasted as well as to be waited to receive a communication as in case of letters and being on queues in post offices
2.     Adaptability, Accessibility, and Utility: Letters as well as post offices used to dominate world of communication for almost as long as human civilization existed. But slowly started losing its sheen with advent of 21st century when technology started replacing even human beings. It has also created waves amongst people as it’s free, convenient, accessible from anywhere & anytime even while one is on the move and can even be used to share or even act as medium of exchange of commodities etc which cannot be possible through letters, but yes through post office it can be shared, but we have to wait a long time till we get the final verdict.
3.     Used to be effective during defense combat: Letters used to be an effective medium to communicate to defense personnel families during wake of emergency situation. However it used to take a long time for the news to reach to the other end, sometimes after death of a person. So wireless radio telephones, emails etc were used for conveying message instantly.
v  ATM’s: Though these machines are still being kept in loop due to being an effective medium to perform hoard of financial activities right from depositing cash in teller machine, withdrawing it as per time & convenience, getting updated about the available balance in an account which is like acting in a mini bank etc has far from getting diminished in near future as they would pave way for smart cards or self cashed card having a credit/debit limit that can be adjusted as per their utility at any point of time from anywhere without incurring extra charges. It also thus helps to reduce waiting time, transactional time, purchasing activity and last but not the least security involved in So don’t be surprised if one would not find ATM’s in near future.

                Apart from these changes there are certain other developments taking place in ever changing and dynamic world. Here in this era when technology gets obsolete not within days or months, but in minutes, many more such things are going to be wiped out as they would pave way for newer, advanced, instant gadgets and things enhancing communication as well as connectivity between people.      

Monday 26 August 2013

Women Empowerment in India

Women Empowerment in India

           Whoa! The most sought and happening topic is here. India-The land known for it's tradition, culture, fervour etc, even being flocked in by number of foreign tourists is sadly losing it's wonderful sheen and it's hold from such versatile topics. Can anyone think on what grounds this popularity is being diminished? or what's making the hot news everyday in our local dailies or news channels? Well with a sad, broken, yet humane heart, all that's making the headlines is the cruel, unimaginable, and a tryst or hoard of atrocities, crimes committed on our women. To add an insult to this grave issue, one's blood boils to protest or even kill the uncanny, unrealistic political leaders,top bureaucrats who are free to pass on their lewd comments like that of a top political brass son passing out a lewd comment portraying Indian women as "Dead and painted!"  and later commenting that he didn't do it in haste, or to hurt anyone sentiments. However needless to state that damage was already done. Isn't it? No doubt women across the country, group of women social activists, even many men steamed nation wide protests to mark the solidarity of people.
           I as a responsible citizen of my country feel like all others that "There's a limit to everything" and in our women's case it has been breached not occasionally but regularly. At one facet we worship our women as epitome of a "Powerful, resilient,  unconquered, unflinching goddess" whereas on the other commit all kinds of dastardly acts right from murdering female infants (female foeticide) in womb of her mother only because child is female, rapes,  to other inhumane acts. Have we forgotten the innumerable roles donned by our women in daily or real life? I think in some sense, yes we have indeed forgotten roles of women like that of:
  •  No one can deny the role donned by women in form of a Mother-Taking exuberant pain to bring forth the new life.
  • That of a home maker unduly donning various roles from complete upbringing of next gen, perfect life partner to her husband doing daily chores of her life, a perfect daughter to her parents etc.
  • That of a teacher providing light and warmth of education to enlighten all.
  • That of perhaps a defence personnel guarding our borders from militants, extremists, and other such issues.
  • That of a scientist or being role model in form of wide array of things like that of eminent social activists, biz women cum entrepreneurs, space astronauts or prominent sports personalities and in many more fields viz proving a point that sky is limit for them and that call it any heights that they can't conquer.                                                                                                                                                                                     When such is the might of a women, then why is it that still Indian women are deprived of many things like:
       Right to express their feelings, right of education, right of sharing common platform with male counterparts, right of being called legal heirs of parents as still there's a wrong notion that only son's have the legal power to complete funeral rights or special events and thus they are subjected indoors taking care of children, husband and family.
                       Such is the crime rate or atrocity rate on women which as per leading national daily stood at 70:30 viz 70% of Indian women are subject to inhuman activities on daily basis as compared to 30% atrocities on male counterparts. Even a news published in national daily, a few days ago has revealed that even an International foreign student along with her troupe who were on an friendly education tour were traumatised and even an attempt was made to sexually harass them. Such was it's impact that these foreign ladies are battling it out in a depression/trauma centre in their country. What was their crime? Well their crime was shocking viz the love for our country/nation. Isn't there serious eyebrows been raced against such issues? Undoubtedly there's. However as usual callous deeds of some people, bureaucrats have bought national shame to us. Still there's no stringent laws to tackle such menace.        

        At one end there's no doubt that there are marked improvements and Indian women have been given employment opportunities, right to perform any events like even funeral rites of their near & dear ones, right to education, to form a one of its kind of women defence fleet for the trio of Army, Air force, Navy, exclusive women grievance cell and many more. However it's still is a bit scarce as lot more needs to be done like 
  • Setting up of more exclusive women NGO groups at all levels exercising their powers-powers to protest against women issues, power to employment and many more.
  • Appointment of women commando's and training cells imparting various self-techniques/skills to safeguard them and make them feel stronger at heart to tackle any distress situations.
  • Form a women forum/committee that can tackle various women related issues at all levels viz National, rural, urban or even local levels.
  • To power our judiciary system and make stringent laws against crime doers and people who commit atrocities against women including that of the filthy comments made by the political leaders.                                                                                                                                           These are just a jest of various things which can be devised to empower Indian women. But Alas! unless entire male community think of empowering women, safeguard and provide them equivocal rights to express, it would be a doomsday to all if these dastardly acts are not soon put to end.                                                                                                                                                                                     All are welcome to chip in with their ideas on the topic "Women Empowerment in India". Need participation from both guild viz Male and female panellists.                                 

Saturday 24 August 2013

Popularity of Android market, boon to someone, bane to others.

Popularity of Android market-boon to someone, bane to others. 

Android is undoubtedly the most buzzing word from across the world. It has not just thwarted the likes of once popular Symbian-Nokia platform, BOS-Blackberry's operating system, IOS-I-phone operating system and many such technologies.No wonder today many of the leading smart phone brands have ventured into Google powered Android powered technology. Reality bites state that Android has now captured 95% market share from it's closest competitors within no time. With the increasing popularity over the years, there's no doubt that all smartphones as well as small sized bar phones also will be operating under this technology and there would be a market dominance.
               Let's now have a facto-figure run for the boom of Android platform over the world. The know-how of what's Android and its booming shot to fame is as shared below:
A) If we do a know-how on how Android powered system came into existence is that till the early 2007, mobile application/tech gadgets ran on Java based platforms which largely started to decline as for the limitations like poor quality user interface, unavailability of free online purchase store to download variety of things on go like games, application, access TV channels on go etc.
B) So a team of researchers, software developers, application developers and scientists came into foray and with Android Inc started in 2007, developed Linux based operating system coined as "Android", which was later taken completely by Google. 
C) With the amalgamation of both these giants, first Android powered phone was launched in 2008 with launch of HTC dream which became an instant hit as one was able to download scores of games, applications and many other things apart from being able to even browse TV on go not available till that time on other operating system.
D) Since 2008, Android which has now been powered by Google has seen in numerous updates, new powered features and off course the code names given for Android platforms are based on sugary delights or desserts like the first one churned out from Android platform was named as Android 1.1 version, cupcake, donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and latest entrant to power Android based devices is Jelly Bean. 
E) However as usual competition was so intense at initial stages that Android received a lukewarm reaction from closest competitors or likes of Nokia, Microsoft who even doubted this competition with comments like  Nokia was quoted as saying "we don't see this as a threat", and Microsoft mobile operations head stated as " don't understand the impact that they are going to have".
We all know what's happening today to the dominance of these once market leaders. Android's dominance in this operating system space is such that besides capturing a large chunk of mobile, smartphone market, it's now on the very heights powering even smallest "bar mobile phones" from leading brands like Samsung, LG, Sony etc.
            It has pushed mobile market giants "Nokia" to phase out the Symbian powered mobiles and completely refurbish, redesign a new operating system to power present mobiles to face intense competition and Microsoft's next gen windows mobiles are not doing well either as they are only powering higher end smartphones in price range as high as Rs.30 k's to 50 k's way behind one's imagination. However Android market is quite a large as they are available as low as Rs. 1,999 viz $30.97 (USD) to even Rs 50 k's viz $774.73.
Isn't this just amazing??

            Android's hottest cake "Jelly bean 4.1 to 4.7 versions" have taken away major chunk of mobile market from their closest competitors or likes of Windows powered smart phones like Nokia Lumia's, Samsung's Omnia etc to name a few. Such is the supremacy of Android market, that with an official press statement from Google Inc, headquarters from California, that a bigger, bright and next gen Android 5.0 prototype (Lime Pie) is up for release anywhere by late 2014 or early 2015, it has driven mobile marketers to go frenzy over the news. Speculations are that Nokia, Microsoft and other companies who took it lighter has known the serious impact it can cause. Therefore they are on a launchpad for making a new windows platform exclusive only for smartphones.

          There's no tip off that besides world is geared up with increased smartphone wars, fewer know that there's a kind of grand Operating system war which is going side by side. Until now Android has survived the scare and even tipped of other market giant operating war. But the question is "Can it budge the trend and be at numero-uno position and if so for how long?". However as an avid smartphone enthusiasts like me or perhaps others who used to be hooked once upon a time on the average yet stylish Nokia bar phones or smart phones running on Symbian system, with advent of Android market that mentality has completely gone for toss and changed the way mobile market looked.
           So from my end it's a big thumbs up for this little marvel "Android"! I hope that the small robot- mascot of Android will ever remain upbeat and never diminish it's value.

An avid technology lover and next gen Android smart phone user.     

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Indian Economy in doldrums- Common man's plight, not an issue to our political leaders.

Indian Economy in doldrums- Common man's plight! However not an issue to our political leaders
               No idea of how a common man/public will survive the scary times!  “Scary” refers to the present turmoil Indian economy is witnessing through. Right from the menace of weakening stats shown by our currency rupee against USD and even other currencies to inflation, money laundering, increase in all commodities, this time being a history sheater as it has not spared even electronic goods or FMCG products, it’s relentlessly easy to point that only the common man suffers in such turmoil!.

       According to a recent shocker of a stat revealed in a local daily and debated alongside a popular news channel, states that Indian Rupee pitted against USD for a paltry figure of Rs.62.95 only!

       Isn’t that just staggering to hear this figure? Definitely it is. Whom should we blame? Callous political leaders or ourselves?  To be frank according to me it’s both parties to be blamed.

        Why? Well isn’t it we who exercise our votes to choose government and also our elected representatives to rule our country for as long as 5 years. But do we elect them wisely? Answer which comes from within heart would definitely be a perfect “NO”.

                  Amidst this ongoing turmoil or outrage against political leaders who are best known to have art to stem the opposition or garner enough sympathy thereby taking the very steam out of tide, what remains unchanged is the flattering, unbelievable and yet predictable comments and views of our politicians right from:

·   Average human being in India taking care of food needs for as less than or equal to Rs 12
·   GDP growth in India being whooping 10-12% compared to shocking stat of just hovering round paltry figure of 5 to 5.7% nearly half of what it was three years ago”.
·  Then comments like Rise in Per Capita Income per population touching magic figure of 8 % as pitted against current value of 5 %.

·   Adequate employability measures taken wherein reality bites predict the opposite viz three fold increase in unemployment.

·    Highest participation of FDI and foreign investors at 75-80% wherein stats as usual shows just 40-50% FDI or investors opening firm in India. 
 ·    Passing out a Food bill which can cover BPL (Below poverty line) people and eradicate poverty, malnutrition in a jiffy completely, doesn’t surprise one and all as we’re used to them.

         Although there are still number of topics that can generally be discussed relating the downpour of political comments, but it would just not solve the issues.

              Most embarrassing point is that India lies in 132nd position compared to 185 countries in case of WPI (wholesale price index) – an indicator for measuring inflation as lower as our neighboring countries Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal or even China.

            Whatsoever happens in our country, these corrupt politicians are just dooming our prestige in front of others. Either there’s two tracks for us - simply follow the suit silently viz buck under the trend or government policies or fight to the core and at least redeem in some prestige viz protest against these rising issues, otherwise it would be very late. 

Saturday 17 August 2013

Nature's fury at its peak with mother earth burning. Who are to be blamed??

Human era coming to an end?? Mother Earth burning?? Don't just get startled to hear it next time as this is just not a meagre joke, but a fact that surrounds us. Thanks to the never ending lust, greed and to showcase to even GOD our supremacy, we are slowly digging our own grave by killing the natural flora, fauna, habitat etc to own worldly pleasures. Amidst this fight for being supreme, we always tend to forget the age old adage "As you sow, so shall you reap", which truly comes into picture for the issues mounting globally. It's just startling to believe that our Mother Earth is slowly just turning into a ball of fire!. Alarm bells ringing round everywhere with this news. However startling it is, but even doing a reality check would make us more astound as to slowly believe that if sooner something is not done by us to save our planet, we ourselves would get extinct. 

                 Well, I don't want to scare anyone who are going through the matter written till now. However we can't just ignore what's waiting in store for us if we (Humans) would continue dominate the proceedings and churn out every drop of what our mother nature can give back to us. As once it would itself retaliate against as it's seen from latest proceedings throughout the globe. In everlasting quench to rule the world, we have forgotten the fact that the tagline "Survival of fittest" applies also to us. The context of presenting this matter to the world is to present that slowly our mother Earth is losing its natural sheen paving way for extreme climatic disasters, calamities due to release of greenhouse gases emitted from smoke due to increased vehicular movements-again a human invention and hoard of illegal activities which we have been a part directly or indirectly. In fact all human inventions in one way or other, barring a few have been very destructive for the nature and now indirectly its a menace to us.

                According to a recent study done by a guild comprising of geologists, researchers, and bio-scientists on the climatic changes happening across the globe viz reasons for drought to extreme chilly\cold weather in some places to extreme rainfall or absolute dry conditions prevailing in other places, has largely been attributed to human intervention with natural flora, fauna, and it's mechanisms by scrapping up huge land, doing illegal mining of various resources, setting up huge buildings, devouring forests, trees, constructing more industries which pollute water bodies by dumping wastes and effluents into them and many more such activities. These have now begun to pave way for unheard phenomenons like giant Tsunamis or killer sea tides in India, Indonesia, US, silk holes in places like Florida, Guatamala Bay in US, melting of polar cap of Antarctica, uneven monsoon pattern to name a few as earth's surface is heating up like a hydrogen gas used in "Hot air balloons".  

              Come 2015, there would be a huge 'Earth convention' to be held at Geneva wherein a team of scientists, researchers, government officials from more than 200 countries would be present to discuss the causes and measures to curb the effects of the greenhouse gases and to come to a permissible emission level of the gases apart from discussing about retuning the "go green or commuting various eco friendly'  environmental policy adopted in different countries. This would be a mass initiative or summit after a  long period. 

            However even before the summit, measures should adequately taken by all of us to utilise more of bio-renewable energy sources, bio fuels, increase land space by reducing the cutting down of trees and off course plant more trees to prevent issues like soil degradation, erosion etc in order to save human race from extinction. Present efforts to safeguard human race is not enough as geologists predict that only 30% eco-friendly measures are being put to use.

             Hope that we just don't watch and wait till its very long to even turn back............or witness end of a great human saga.         


Thursday 8 August 2013

Increasing popularity of Malls, its impact and changing trends on lifestyle in India.

No wonder to call India in itself a huge continent engulfed with people from all over and round the globe. With the increasing popularity and demand from the western community with the traditional fervour, educational hub as well as on other grounds, India has been one of the best hubs for making a living in this country. Though being surrounded by the ghost of global issues like corruption, politics, recessed economy, depleting currency rates etc, it has still been number one tourist hot spot in recent years. Apart from all these stuffs, India has recorded the best infrastructure in the world on a recent global summit and being voted one amongst top 30 nations globally for the Infra. Isn't it the silver lining or the icing on the cake? Yes, it truly is.

             With the advent of changing technology as well as the trendy lifestyle, Indian dress code and lifestyle have also undergone a dramatic face off in the years down the lane. More and more western community are adopting our dress code, and we are drifting towards theirs. Definitely its not a bad paradigm shift happening. However needless to point out that we have in our own drifted completely from our dress code and adopted western dress code sense in completely. For ex: The usual cotton cloth, khadi dress code, ethnic wear have been replaced with a slim fit, tight fit denim or jeans materials with T-shirts. This is just a glimpse of how the lifestyle pattern has changed. Now its like fast getting fastest and in same manner trendy getting trendiest looks. Can anyone realise and think of the root cause of such drastic changes being bought in our lifestyle?? Well its right in front of our imagination. Yes, its nothing but the tallest buildings or the sky scrappers termed more as "Malls" in the recent times. No wonder and why not? They are boon to a wide variety of people right from consumers, traders, manufacturers, avid shopping community, traders, business owners, avid cinema lovers etc. According to a nationwide survey as quoted by a popular aesthetic magazine and newspaper daily, its being termed that India has the best, safest, widest and largest chain of malls throughout the country next only to that of the three most superpowers US, China, Japan. Can we believe it? No I can't. But its the fact. There are almost 500-600 malls in India and every year a new mall arises in even smallest and unknown place/hamlet in India. This is simply unbelievable and amazing stuff. At one side our government keeps increasing rates of common usable commodities used for sustaining life in the wake of diminishing currency value as against USD, whereas on the other hand it funds organizations, institutions like Raheja's, Plymouth, Phoenix City, Fab city, and many such land developers and builders for getting sites on subsidised rates where they build malls and expand their businesses. Amidst all major and good developments what's remain unchanged in a developing economy like ours is that of "Richer getting richer and poorer becoming poorer".

Let us now have a look into the good and bad aspects of Mall culture in a country like India and its impact.

Pros/positive aspects of Mall culture:

  1. Increased purchasing power means change in the buying habits:Well it's not new that with the average income of public getting higher, people are now leading a much affordable, flexible and convenient mode of life. They can come to a mall and shop in bulk, enjoy quality time with family, near and dear ones etc.
  2. Wider, greater, flexibility, affordable, competitive reach to world class amenities and products from a wide brand of quality products:As it suggests that today the world has changed zillion folds and we do have lot of goods to be purchased as per our preference. So Malls are the best and convenient hideouts with our family, friends as we can shop at our will and at best affordable deals.
  3. A good way of relaxation and enjoyment with old friends and near and dear ones: Malls are the best place to chill-pill or go on a hangout with. Also most of the malls apart from acting as one stop shop for all basic and other products, are also home to latest entertainment.stuff like Multiplexes cinema theatres-an instant hit amongst avid cine lovers, pubs, discotheques, bowling arena and a host of other entertainment, entertainment, and more entertainment stuffs wherein one can drool into a host of  activities.
  4. A good and avid source of business, profit making and also a source to get employed for catering the needs of huge worldwide brands:Needless to point out this statement which is self explanatory. No one can deny that first thing we enter a Mall is to do a general tout of shopping apart from spending time with our friends, or any one else or even sometimes all alone! So whom does we meet there first? A shop sales agent or cashier or a hoard of people working tirelessly everyday, even on Sunday. 
  5. Huge oppurtunity for getting employed and growth: Our readers or everyone, lets spare a word of thought to these people making us get perfect smiles every time one walks in and out of a store in a Mall near by your area or in your city. So there's a huge number of people who avail employment as well as businessman and traders setting up their franchisee who themselves get connected with major global brands. Isn't it just amazing? But have anyone spared thought of Malls being the leading source of employability. Well it definitely is. One would be shell shocked if I reveal facts published in a daily that Malls across India employ 90 % of the talent pool from various fields. Still not believing. Well jokes apart, but its a reality.
  6. Benefit to Government-Centre as well as state and overall to the country:Till this point we have seen how malls are epicentre to personal, trading or business front. Moving on to the feather in its cap, Malls provide a great epicentre for establishment of various businesses, inter state/region or even global money and other transactional transfers. Apart from it central, state governments also tax these malls to get revenues and which bolsters the country's economic condition.
Cons/negative aspects of Mall culture:

Well this aspect need no introduction as we have already seen the issues and impact of the negative aspects of Mall culture in earlier paras. However just a jist apart from the usual dialogue so far, here are certain ky negative aspects and their impacts.
  1. Leads to bulk purchase behaviour thereby diminishing the value of saving aspect:India and its womanhood were always in pretext of saving a lot to tackle future issues. However thanks to a changing lifestyle and advent of Malls and other business cum entertainment establishments, this practice has now been diminished in totality. This in turn has lead to hoard of issues like bulk purchase of commodities for more than a month, unwanted buying behaviour, no saving aspect being present in Indian household etc.
  2. Diminishing of personal values, in-house time or creative time, play around time with friends etc: Many would not agree with my aspects or my way of thought. But its a ground reality which no one can escape that with constant changing lifestyle has also paved way for increased tensions and household issues. Thanks when its era marked with electronic gadgets like TV aptly known as Idiot box, PSP, PS3"s etc, leading to a mechanical life sans creativity, playful young minds, malls have also slowly casting their shadow as young generation who used to love playing and other creative stuffs in their past time are just fading way to a mall nearby to shop their needs and waste time. Also add to it many people, housewives, kids, younger gen next don't like home food and love mall or eateries outside food which is really causing issues like obesity, diabetes, food cancer, bile cancer and a hoard of ailments.
  3. Elimination of small petty shops, small size traders, small buying habits etc: Aren't we all aware that once upon a time, our needs, wants, desires, perception of market used to be small daily usual chores and purchases, which is no longer there. Thanks to the advent of Malls nearby, we never-ever see our old petty or shop where we used to buy from as they are virtually eliminated and with them their entire set of people or those who survived are in lead to getting extinct.So in all what's the impact?? Well nothing much in terms of revenue which in fact has increased for governments, but the personal bonding of associating with a small shop which had all the answer to our daily needs is no longer their and is slowly but steadily diminishing. With that bulk preference, needs, desire, lust have taken away the saving mentality from Indian households.
  4. Diminished Landscapes, flora, fauna, animal habitats means deluge of events like massive landslides, earthquakes, floods, droughts and a hoard of national crisis: Ever imagined astrologers and other set of people making public announcements, blogs in the internet predicting end of this era?? Isn't it coming true with hoard of events? Yes, it is. The epicentre being destruction of the vast beautiful landscapes enriched with natural flora and fauna, animal habitats being endangered for what? Just human beings need and greed? But we have forgot that if we rule the food chain or life cycle we also would be punished for all our wrong doings and that's exactly happening. With increased greed, lust and power to conquer everything we once possessed our landscapes have taken form of big huge buildings, sky-scrappers and phenomena called Malls. But what has it been created for? Just en-mass of deluge of destruction right in form of landslides like that of beautiful and unimaginable valley full of flora and fauna of Uttarakhand in India, to earthquakes that lashed the beautiful desert of Rann of kutch in Gujarat, and not to forget flurry of floods in our business capital Mumbai, India's capital Delhi and various other states and even floods like Katrina etc which rocked United States of America in recent times.   

Though I can go on and on and on regard the negative aspects about the Malls and their impact. However just limiting to 4 main and key points. No wonder that our life has got entangled and centred round Malls and its no doubt they are necessary. But are they so much important that we invite nature's own fury and also our very way of getting extinct.
                                 So my query to even myself and general public is "Are Malls really the epitome or symbol of our country's economic progress?" or that it is an "Epitome/symbol of once changing attitude/lifestyle/purchasing power etc also thereby bringing the selfishness,greed, lust and never caring attitude towards destitute and poor. This never used to be our way of thinking till the advent of 21st century when men and every other thing were replaced by machines.

This is time to keep all our think-tank running and have a serious go on how much malls need to be build up and if Government are providing lands and other sites for build up, why not for constructive purposes like building a school, district college or educational institutions, banks etc, instead of already mushroomed phenomena called Malls.

So think before its too late.................. and that's why the tag line............ "Better__________ than_________" or else our humanity would completely get wiped out just like the natural flora, fauna, animals.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Government acceptance on FDI in Retail Industry.

Well as known over the recent years, FDI has been the most sought news widely researched, read, published in the media or public forums. Now recently with the Indian Government's decision to give its nod in favour of bringing FDI to the retail fortress has evoked a mixed bag of response from a wide variety of people across the country as well as across the globe. There has been a lot of section from the global community who have voted for the FDI in retail Industry and as usual there has also been a lot of objections, opposition,  severe criticism as well as widespread protest in fear of FDI as an entrant in retail Industry in India. However as usual government's nod to help foreign companies getting their foothold in India has not surprised anyone as its a usual fact of succumbing to the mounting pressures which is usually associated with our government. In fact as an avid reader and writer on various topics, even I do welcome this decision from our government as it'll not only help us to revive the economic crisis, build new job opportunities thereby eradicating cause of unemployment, manage the depreciating revenue reserves and many such global issues at a stretch. However the most surprise element about government decision is regarding the direct nod for 30 % FDI participation in retail industry, in fact being the epitome of the news facts from the dailies published across the globe that this is the highest percentage of FDI contribution sanctioned by any government till now in retail. This in the rake of moolah that there's very less cap/margin allotted for the FDI participation in other industries which also means in one way neglecting their valuable contributions to Indian Infra and growth. As per the recent trends, India's lifeline-Agriculture has just got 10-15 % stake of FDI and even the India's rise as a full fledged developing economic superpower with the Infra and IT boom has also received a paltry stake of just 20-25 % hike thus staging as most surprised element amongst the decision. So is this just the correct or a usual invasive decision? Notwithstanding with the governmental decision, time only would tell the way whether the decision would be a fruitful one or would it be act as big headache for them?.

This has now paved way for foreign retail players like Walmart Inc, Sweepstakes Inc as well as other foreign retail marketers to ply their business in India. Why is there a lot of opposition, widespread criticism coupled with protest in wake of this move if all is well as staged by our government?. Any guesses? Bingo! We all have got the thick of the issue. However just before starting a new pinnacle study on the strength, weakness this can cause, let us have a serious look on the route adopted by FDI in Indian Inc. Their are two modes/routes of receiving FDI by any firm in India. They are:

A) Automatic Route:
FDI is allowed under the automatic route without prior approval either of the Government or the Reserve Bank of India in all activities/sectors as specified in the consolidated FDI Policy, issued by the Government of India from time to time.

B) Government/Indigenous/Indirect Route:
Totally opposite the way automatic route works. FDI in activities not covered under the automatic route requires prior approval of the Government which are considered by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance.

Let us now just have a go-how or a peep into the advantage/disadvantage caused by such huge cap/limit of 30% set by Indian Government in Retail Industry. Needless to point that retail industry is measured by the FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) industry which is the main foray for sweeping major chunk of profit in any trade and which in turn strengthens economic condition as almost 100% population across globe use different consumable products for daily use. So let us now start our proceedings on how FDI limit of 30% set by Indian government can set positive vibe in the retail industry.


  • Involvement of more foreign retailers, manufacturers, retail companies allows quality products made available at competitive price, with discounts, flexible and attractive options never-ever heard before.
  • Relaxation of trade norms, bilateral talks on various trade summits between top companies etc brings not only dearth, flexibility etc in maintaining liquid, foreign exchange reserves, but it also helps to phase out issues pertaining to employability, curbs falling revenue and stabilise it. It also helps in establishing trade ties within two countries, maintain liquid reserves through strong foreign exchange market etc.
  • Helps in transfer of new technologies, management skills, intellectual property rights, growth of infrastructure and information sector within retail industry for creating flexible, dynamic environment globally.
  • Increases competition within the local market and this brings higher efficiencies, increase in overall productivity, brings quality stuff at convenient, flexible price range.
  • Increased product range offers consumers to be the king and hence increases the decision making power to choose from wide variety of products or types at par with their convenience viz increases purchasing power and attitude association with particular brand.

  • Fear of losing out the market competency,leadership to a newer or even just established brand due to increased,stiffer competition and thus being lastly eliminated completely from the business.
  • Development of Monopolistic giants across the world and domination of one entity over the other cannot just be ruled out. This in turn leads to unhealthy retail tactics, out-pour of  just a particular kind of product of a particular nation, least to say quality products being not readily available, tough competition even whilst entering a particular market etc.
  • Such foreign companies invest more in machinery and intellectual property than in wages of the local people, misconception of people being termed as substitutes to cheap labour as though about Asian and African nations including ours amongst west and European community.
  • In the initial stages although the government has got powers, however in later stages they lose the control over the functioning of such companies as they usually work as wholly owned subsidiary of an overseas company thus mushrooming the start of monopolistic culture, hoarding of costly as well as edible and other precious commodities thus at times destabilising economy and in turn laying begin of era marred by global issues like recession, inflation, deflation and hoards of other related terms.
  • Opening of floodgates, easy dumping ground for all kinds of products not so popular amongst local crowd, thus turning global market as a complete product battleground. Thus a huge plus for consumers, but it also influences the general buying ideology of the consumers making way for even sometimes unethical strategy,policies to win in the race of survival of fittest.
So just like any debatable/controversial topic, providing such huge margin of (30%) of FDI participation in retail sector has already begun an allegation, objection war from political mainframe to global trade association mainframe to even consumer mainframe and also leading to widespread protest as counts of traders,middlemen, brokers and other marketing channels gets completely wiped out and also in certain cases leading to shutting up of small shops for our basic needs. Though FDI participation is also a necessary, fundamental stuff for a developing economy like India and even other nations to not only sustain, but to show our strength globally. 

The only way government can survive in FDI race is to have stringent, yet win-win ideological business or other mainframes putting all parties to trade at a much better position.  Otherwise it would phase out entire nation stake/pride associated with any product. So the epicentre just not lies in debating of what is FDI, advantage,disadvantage, but to utilise it as a powerful medium backed with good managing tactics for attaining indomitable market supermacy and provide win-win situation in wake of cross-border trade between countries.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Popularity of Internet in Retail Industry.

Have we ever imagined the way our past was? Well the answer would definitely be a "NO". Well our past was full of uncertainties where there were nothing much to get enjoyment, feel refreshed, rejuvenated and feel younger even at a much older age. However these have not only changed, but also has undergone a drastic improvement with sophisticated tools, synergy of new scientific gadgets, off course who can forget utility of Internet and other such related newer yet refreshed concepts phasing our day to day life. Lets get into the act of how the Internet revolution is phasing the retail industry. Well nonetheless to point that there has been not just significant improvement, but a miraculous, destined improvement in retail industry with the advent of newer means of Internet revolution and its concepts. Most of these are already known and best understood in practical and real life by all our readers. First and foremost lets run a general comparison between older retail procedures and the newer developments.

 Well in older days statistics show that 80% of the households visit nearest shop/outlet etc for their purchasing needs which was really tedious as one has to spent a lot time in queues apart from being prone to lot of errors at times which would make them a lot more tired, and dissatisfied for not getting value for money as there were no offers/deals on bulk purchases.Apart from these there was absolute no convenience, no bargaining power etc associated and also at times products delivered were of sub-standard quality. Come the world of Internet and lo! The shape of retailing as well as other things have done drastic changes. Few changes are as highlighted below:

  • Fast, Faster, Fastest medium for doing any transactions: The world of Internet coupled with debit-credit card transactions have not only bought new & advanced chapter in retailing, but also has made it convenient for one and all to perform general as well as complex bulk purchases with just the click of a button or even on the go with Mobile & other revolutionised gadgets from anywhere across the world.
  • Creative, Fun-filled, Flexible and affordable transactions at any point of given time: Gone are the days to travel long distances to fetch our general commodities. With backing of Internet, Internet based innovative apps, e-commerce solutions coming handy for consumers/customers as well as the merchandisers or retailers to promote business in a bigger and better manner. Thus one need not even go for shopping and can get best deals on all commodities from placing their orders on-line from their home itself or even whilst travelling. Also guess what's the best thing with on line shopping???? Off course we get the best bargain, attractive deals minus the stress of paying more whilst doing practical purchase, quick & last but not the least satisfaction of having purchased the commodity we need from wide variety of choices.
  • Powerful backing of E-commerce and Internet Solutions coming handy whilst procuring our favourite commodity: Well imagine our lives 5-10 years before wherein for getting a list of our commodities, one need to travel a lot to nearest market area and be in long queues/lines with other consumers/purchasers and still not achieve what we think about as there would be a host of people in market viz from Retailers, middlemen who fix a particular price on product which would not fit our pockets. But today even for daily needs, one can shop on line as e-commerce with bank applications, internet savvy gadgets can get us the commodity in  no time. 
  • Wide variety of choices, eliminates middlemen and brokers thereby being cost effective:Unlike older days when going to market was the only solace and we have to eye on a particular commodity because there were fewer brands etc to choose from. Unlike now when there is a huge list of brands for same commodity. However its not the only reason why internet retailing/on line retailing is popular. Apart from these usual stuffs, it also is very cost effective, paves way for better deals and best part is that there are no involvement of middlemen or third parties. Hence one can directly buy it from manufacturers which acts as a win-win situation for both parties.                                                                                                                                                                                       These are just few of the advantages of shopping/retailing on line. However this is just like a tip of iceberg of what the world of Internet has in store for all kinds of parties dealing with it and hence is like feather in a cap. Needless to point out to one and all how truly the world of internet and ever changing dynamic world has revolutionised the way retailing or any normal market looked like years ago.