Saturday 17 August 2013

Nature's fury at its peak with mother earth burning. Who are to be blamed??

Human era coming to an end?? Mother Earth burning?? Don't just get startled to hear it next time as this is just not a meagre joke, but a fact that surrounds us. Thanks to the never ending lust, greed and to showcase to even GOD our supremacy, we are slowly digging our own grave by killing the natural flora, fauna, habitat etc to own worldly pleasures. Amidst this fight for being supreme, we always tend to forget the age old adage "As you sow, so shall you reap", which truly comes into picture for the issues mounting globally. It's just startling to believe that our Mother Earth is slowly just turning into a ball of fire!. Alarm bells ringing round everywhere with this news. However startling it is, but even doing a reality check would make us more astound as to slowly believe that if sooner something is not done by us to save our planet, we ourselves would get extinct. 

                 Well, I don't want to scare anyone who are going through the matter written till now. However we can't just ignore what's waiting in store for us if we (Humans) would continue dominate the proceedings and churn out every drop of what our mother nature can give back to us. As once it would itself retaliate against as it's seen from latest proceedings throughout the globe. In everlasting quench to rule the world, we have forgotten the fact that the tagline "Survival of fittest" applies also to us. The context of presenting this matter to the world is to present that slowly our mother Earth is losing its natural sheen paving way for extreme climatic disasters, calamities due to release of greenhouse gases emitted from smoke due to increased vehicular movements-again a human invention and hoard of illegal activities which we have been a part directly or indirectly. In fact all human inventions in one way or other, barring a few have been very destructive for the nature and now indirectly its a menace to us.

                According to a recent study done by a guild comprising of geologists, researchers, and bio-scientists on the climatic changes happening across the globe viz reasons for drought to extreme chilly\cold weather in some places to extreme rainfall or absolute dry conditions prevailing in other places, has largely been attributed to human intervention with natural flora, fauna, and it's mechanisms by scrapping up huge land, doing illegal mining of various resources, setting up huge buildings, devouring forests, trees, constructing more industries which pollute water bodies by dumping wastes and effluents into them and many more such activities. These have now begun to pave way for unheard phenomenons like giant Tsunamis or killer sea tides in India, Indonesia, US, silk holes in places like Florida, Guatamala Bay in US, melting of polar cap of Antarctica, uneven monsoon pattern to name a few as earth's surface is heating up like a hydrogen gas used in "Hot air balloons".  

              Come 2015, there would be a huge 'Earth convention' to be held at Geneva wherein a team of scientists, researchers, government officials from more than 200 countries would be present to discuss the causes and measures to curb the effects of the greenhouse gases and to come to a permissible emission level of the gases apart from discussing about retuning the "go green or commuting various eco friendly'  environmental policy adopted in different countries. This would be a mass initiative or summit after a  long period. 

            However even before the summit, measures should adequately taken by all of us to utilise more of bio-renewable energy sources, bio fuels, increase land space by reducing the cutting down of trees and off course plant more trees to prevent issues like soil degradation, erosion etc in order to save human race from extinction. Present efforts to safeguard human race is not enough as geologists predict that only 30% eco-friendly measures are being put to use.

             Hope that we just don't watch and wait till its very long to even turn back............or witness end of a great human saga.         


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