Monday 26 August 2013

Women Empowerment in India

Women Empowerment in India

           Whoa! The most sought and happening topic is here. India-The land known for it's tradition, culture, fervour etc, even being flocked in by number of foreign tourists is sadly losing it's wonderful sheen and it's hold from such versatile topics. Can anyone think on what grounds this popularity is being diminished? or what's making the hot news everyday in our local dailies or news channels? Well with a sad, broken, yet humane heart, all that's making the headlines is the cruel, unimaginable, and a tryst or hoard of atrocities, crimes committed on our women. To add an insult to this grave issue, one's blood boils to protest or even kill the uncanny, unrealistic political leaders,top bureaucrats who are free to pass on their lewd comments like that of a top political brass son passing out a lewd comment portraying Indian women as "Dead and painted!"  and later commenting that he didn't do it in haste, or to hurt anyone sentiments. However needless to state that damage was already done. Isn't it? No doubt women across the country, group of women social activists, even many men steamed nation wide protests to mark the solidarity of people.
           I as a responsible citizen of my country feel like all others that "There's a limit to everything" and in our women's case it has been breached not occasionally but regularly. At one facet we worship our women as epitome of a "Powerful, resilient,  unconquered, unflinching goddess" whereas on the other commit all kinds of dastardly acts right from murdering female infants (female foeticide) in womb of her mother only because child is female, rapes,  to other inhumane acts. Have we forgotten the innumerable roles donned by our women in daily or real life? I think in some sense, yes we have indeed forgotten roles of women like that of:
  •  No one can deny the role donned by women in form of a Mother-Taking exuberant pain to bring forth the new life.
  • That of a home maker unduly donning various roles from complete upbringing of next gen, perfect life partner to her husband doing daily chores of her life, a perfect daughter to her parents etc.
  • That of a teacher providing light and warmth of education to enlighten all.
  • That of perhaps a defence personnel guarding our borders from militants, extremists, and other such issues.
  • That of a scientist or being role model in form of wide array of things like that of eminent social activists, biz women cum entrepreneurs, space astronauts or prominent sports personalities and in many more fields viz proving a point that sky is limit for them and that call it any heights that they can't conquer.                                                                                                                                                                                     When such is the might of a women, then why is it that still Indian women are deprived of many things like:
       Right to express their feelings, right of education, right of sharing common platform with male counterparts, right of being called legal heirs of parents as still there's a wrong notion that only son's have the legal power to complete funeral rights or special events and thus they are subjected indoors taking care of children, husband and family.
                       Such is the crime rate or atrocity rate on women which as per leading national daily stood at 70:30 viz 70% of Indian women are subject to inhuman activities on daily basis as compared to 30% atrocities on male counterparts. Even a news published in national daily, a few days ago has revealed that even an International foreign student along with her troupe who were on an friendly education tour were traumatised and even an attempt was made to sexually harass them. Such was it's impact that these foreign ladies are battling it out in a depression/trauma centre in their country. What was their crime? Well their crime was shocking viz the love for our country/nation. Isn't there serious eyebrows been raced against such issues? Undoubtedly there's. However as usual callous deeds of some people, bureaucrats have bought national shame to us. Still there's no stringent laws to tackle such menace.        

        At one end there's no doubt that there are marked improvements and Indian women have been given employment opportunities, right to perform any events like even funeral rites of their near & dear ones, right to education, to form a one of its kind of women defence fleet for the trio of Army, Air force, Navy, exclusive women grievance cell and many more. However it's still is a bit scarce as lot more needs to be done like 
  • Setting up of more exclusive women NGO groups at all levels exercising their powers-powers to protest against women issues, power to employment and many more.
  • Appointment of women commando's and training cells imparting various self-techniques/skills to safeguard them and make them feel stronger at heart to tackle any distress situations.
  • Form a women forum/committee that can tackle various women related issues at all levels viz National, rural, urban or even local levels.
  • To power our judiciary system and make stringent laws against crime doers and people who commit atrocities against women including that of the filthy comments made by the political leaders.                                                                                                                                           These are just a jest of various things which can be devised to empower Indian women. But Alas! unless entire male community think of empowering women, safeguard and provide them equivocal rights to express, it would be a doomsday to all if these dastardly acts are not soon put to end.                                                                                                                                                                                     All are welcome to chip in with their ideas on the topic "Women Empowerment in India". Need participation from both guild viz Male and female panellists.                                 

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