Thursday 19 September 2013

EXCITING NEWS CORNER-Journey of Humble Bulb-Onions

Journey of a humble bulb to most menacing avatar!

Onions-The New Turmoil!
Bogging down! Bogged down! Bogged down all the way should be the new jingle instead of London Bridge is falling down! This summer is already in news for the toughest times ever witnessed and horrified with horrendous global issues like Inflation! Recession! Money laundering and hoarding of essential commodities, unemployment blues and
list goes on and on….. Beyond the imagination of a common man. To rub salt on already increasing wounds created by rising woes, it’s the increase in rates of the simple yet humblest bulb-The Onions which has touched the tearful mark of Rs. 80 per KG and Rs. 5200 per quintal! Shocking! True facto that this bulb which used to bring tears on eyes when cut, but enhances power and taste of food is no longer common man’s best friend.
   One cannot completely ignore the utility it creates as being ever used spice in any food,making it a vital, trademark ingredient in kitchens and loved by leading chefs, homemakers and even general public which is very hard to be replaced on platter with any other spice, vegetables or even condiments used to salivate our taste buds in natural kitchens specifically in world famous cuisines like ours adds to the misery.
                One can leave the platter dry without commodities like Carrots, Cauliflower or other vegetables, but without Onions! Practically it’s impossible to manage general household or food. Such is the menace that some have named it “Real TEARJERKER”, “Menacing bulb”, “political imbroglio”, “Golden vegetable/spice” and many more……. In fact according to key sources compiled from leading newspaper dailies and potato, onion merchant association, it’s one of the steepest hikes this satiating bulb, spice has ever witnessed in last 3-4 years.

Illustration with startling facts to how humble bulb has created havoc, fear in minds of GP:
Menacing Avatar of Humble Bulbs-Onions

 v 2008-Onion, potato prices stood at just RS.55/-Only per Kg.

 v2009 – Onion, Potato price decreased from Rs 55/-Only per Kg to Rs. 25-30/-Only per Kg.

 v 2010- Again became dearer by RS.5-6 to end up at Rs 40-41/-only per Kg.

 v  2011- Saw a steep rise again as gold prices and became dearer again by RS.7-8 to end up again crossing Rs.50/-only                                                       per Kg.

  v  2012- Declined by Rs.5 to end up again at Rs.45/-only per Kg.

 v  2013- Steepest hike of Rs.40 viz 10 times its normal hike pattern to end up currently at Rs.80-82/-only per Kg and small and midsized onions saw an overall hike of Rs 20-25/-only per Kg to end up at all time high of Rs 60-65/-only per Kg.

v The word ‘only’ describes the callousness of our government, carefree attitude of general public as well as our adjusting character towards government’s take on price hike. In fact issue is so grave that “Onions” have also been deemed to be more costlier than “King of fruits Mangoes, Subtle fruit Apple and ripe Pomegranates” which bear price tags of Rs 60-70-80 /-only per Kg and 4,000 per quintal compared to 5,200 per quintal.

v This crisis has hit the bulls eye at time when our current government have passed FSB (Food security bill) stating BPL (Below Poverty Line) grocers would be eligible for Rs 1 per Kg and 35 Kg’s of rice, wheat and other grains, essential pulses at Rs 2 per Kg like whole green gram, yellow dal etc and coarse cereals like Jowar, Bajra, ragi being given at Rs. 3 per Kg almost neglecting other essential commodities like “Milk (Elixir of Life), Eggs, Green chilies, spices, vegetables and even not sparing humble man’s best companions Tea and coffee”. So what’s utility of FSB???? Just touted as a political framework or one amongst never fulfilled “Election Agenda” to fool one and all.
                 First fuel hike, then milk prices shot to the fame, then it was the turn of gold and precious metals, then came the news and specs targeted rupee’s downsize vs USD, then came brink on Onions, Chilies, Milk and milk products and even transport and everything’s on a hike. Economy in shambles and everybody like common man to agriculture farmers, business traders, hoteliers, consumers are facing the heat & music of the price rise except the top officials/bureaucrats.
               Political imbroglio has grown now with the opposition targeting the government and its action as usual under the scanner. But the plight of people remains the same. However history sheater state that if top officials/bureaucrats fear anything, it’s the might of this bulb which has shown toppling of governments. Not a waste to call the futuristic 2014 election as “Onion Election”.             
      As usual the political bureaucrats have put the blame game on plethora of issues right from:
Ø  Incessant rains and floods everywhere to
Ø  Deflating rupee concern as primary issue to
Ø  Rise in transportation costs, export and import duties due to fuel hike.
Ø  Governmental order as per Food Act to hike famer’s, agriculturists’ commission to 6%.
Ø  Recession and hoarding of commodities by rich people for their self use.
Ø  Other contributing factors.
                 Whatsoever the humble bulb has begun its descent and is source of new headache and menace for all as nothing right can be expected from our top officials or elected representatives. What can be expected when they don’t even care for GOD! As usual we have to silently bore the wrath of all issues! Result household expenses touching new highs of Rs. 3,500-Rs 6,000/-only amongst which Rs.1, 000-1,500/-only goes as food expenses itself, savings next to null, mounting pressures, tensions both work as well as family wise, no guarantee or security of jobs even in government jobs and more.  
                Ho ho ho. Can’t just end my laughing and want to put brakes on my thoughts. Well time will come when onions and other vegetables and commodities themselves might come forward to put an end to rising issues. Till that time it’s adieu Onions! Though it remains far too distinct alternative as without Onions no flavor can be added to food course.
                      Lastly a message to Government:-
           Truly Onions are in their utmost menacing form and hope Government will do their homework before the “BIG DADDY OF 2014 ELECTIONS”. Otherwise they know it would be CURTAINS DOWN!  

Tuesday 17 September 2013



UEFA's 2013-14 TROPHY

Real's big plans just got bigger this UEFA league
Soccer Enthusiasts! The euphoria, carnival is finally lit up in the air with the beginning of 22nd  edition of UEFA Champions league or European cup 2013-14 as it’s fondly known as. It will be a grand affair as usual with some of the competitions top grocers like last editions winners Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Barca {Barcelona}, AC Milan, Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City and others amongst 76 - 77 teams and wherein 32 teams are group stages.

UEFA league has participation of 54 countries known as Associations and are placed in the list depending on UEFA country coefficients which takes the performance of various soccer clubs representing the respective nations and playing for their pride. According to UEFA officials and data compilation as of August 2013, Spain tops the list followed closely by England and Germany whereas Kazakhstan are at bottom grosser this season. 

Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Arsenal, Manchester United are amongst the elite group of football clubs having highest craze. Specifically all eyes would be etched on team Real Madrid! Got curious to know why? Keep your hands with bated breath to know-how on Real’s changeover of not just players, but coach and team composition as well since although they might be the most successful club in the competition's history, having won the tournament nine times, including the first five seasons it contested.       
                    However all’s not going well in Real’s clan as they have a past drought which hit them since 2001-02 edition and still continuing as they haven’t won single tournament since then. So much so that the club has a new guard ship or coach and players too!
                     So let us ponder the new facelift of Madrid’s new fire brand which would make them assume that they can spoil the party of clubs like Bayern Munich, Barca’s and Arsenal who have hold a tight spree since 2002-03 especially Barca’s who have won 3 tournaments till now.


The Buzz in Soccer world is the 2013-14 team Real’s playing combination which has been bolstered with inclusion of:

 v Big catch, big fish Cristiano Ronaldo moved from Manchester United to Real’s elite stable for a whopping record transaction worth £80 million (€94 million) in 2009.

This record has now been broken with signing of Gareth Bale from Tottenham hotspur for a record smashing £84 million (€100 million) this summer which has now eclipsed fete led till now by Cristiano Ronaldo for €94 million- the most expensive transfer ever in football history!                                           
 v  Madrid have also romped to have a complete success party to hire Carlo Ancelotti who made AC Milan to won Euro Cup twice and have fired former Madrid’s coach Jose Mourinho.

  v  It seems Ancelotti’s chances have paid well and that it seems quite real that Madrid’s lost 
     sheen will finally be revived as Bale has made 
     an immediate impact on his debut for Real on Saturday
      by scoring on a 2-2 draw with Villarreal CF.

  The Madrid Side however would probably 
      miss the like of their formidable passer cum playmaker German Mesut Ozil who’s now romped in by Arsenal. 
   Will it cause an unlikely upset? Only time will tell. 
   However Ancelotti is quite sure that the gamble would 
    result in Real’s fortunes as he relies less on craftsmanship and more on explosiveness combo of Bale and Ronaldo.

  v  Ancelotti was also quoted stating in a official press release that even he feels it amazing that Real’s previous outings since 2002 when they last fished in finals of champions league is too long for a club of Madrid’s expo. Hence he’s not taking any match on lighter veins and wants all players including two big catches as to take all team and matches one on one and seriously.
                However a refreshing news for Real is that they are not just the only top football clubs who have sacked players,  last minute official team changes to replace coaches. Teams like Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United, Barca’s Bayern Munich have followed the suit by hiring new coaches. They are as follows:

 -Chelsea - Jose Mourinho.                    -Manchester City-Manuel Pellegrini.
 -Barca - Gerrardo Martino                    -Bayern Munich-Pep Guardilo.
 -Manchester United – David Moyes replaced Alex Ferguson’s long stint.

                  As a real soccer maniac cum avid lover of UEFA league and same time amongst “Real Madrid’s fan”, I on personal note wish them all success in their tournament and hope the change of guard be a bonus outing for them as it would help them to rope in the losses and end the toughest and longest drought by any soccer club since 2002.


Dolby’s Sound Pioneer Goes silent at 80

Dolby’s Sound Pioneer Goes silent at 80

Dolby Labs In US

September 12th 2013! This would be a day which would be itched on memoirs of music and sound enthusiasts or in rather words would become historic. The cause is the sudden demise of Ray Milton Dolby who pioneered the famous Dolby’s noise reduction and surround sound audio & video technology rendering as building block to music and film industry. The dreaded combo of Alzheimer’s and Leukemia (blood cancer) has swallowed up yet another great visionary cum leaders of sound and technology world at age of 80 years like it has many victims in past.
               Ever heard the word Dolby?? Yeah, the same word which reminisce oneself about the sound system that powers our digital, film or theatre and world of mass media & telecommunication. No doubt that with the silence of its pioneer a void space has been left which will be very hard to swallow as well not easy to be occupied.
Dolby gave the world the digital quality sound for the first time when he started his own venture Dolby Laboratories in 1965 in United Kingdom which was then moved to San Francisco, California United States in 1976. Since then Dolby has pioneered into many sound quality reduction systems which are used in entertainment sector to even digitalize our gadgets and other products. Dolby digital are the only sound pioneers having undoubted monopoly and singlehandedly revolutionize surround sound quality with superior noise reduction technology safer to humans.
                  Ray Milton Dolby was no doubt a visionary with a heart of steel as his first patent Dolby’s Sound System was not accepted and filed till 1969, four years later company was founded. Despite the initial hiccups, Dolby Laboratories got accolades globally and since dawn of late 19th century have seen continuous rise with their creativity, utility arena and have remained in contention as sound pioneers since then. Though being listed into top Forbes 400 billionaire bandwagon since 1980’s his quotes prove that he was humble, realistic, and passionate of new inventions as well a simplistic gentleman’s character in his heart.
                    Some of his favorite quotes are as follows:
  v  "I was never a gold-digger, or an Oscar-digger, or anything like that. I just had an instinct about the right sort of things that should be done in my business. So all the things just fell into place."

  v    "There is no major next step. It's a matter of constantly being aware of one's environment, of keeping track of what's happening in the various industries that we're operating in and just sort of sensing what's possible and what's not possible, what's needed, what's not needed - just having all your antennae going, sensitized to all the signals that are out there."

v  "Remember that most of my life was that of an adventurer, not of somebody who is trying to invent something all the time. I wanted the experience of traveling to many parts of the world. Inventions were part of my life, but they didn't overtake everything that I was doing."

v  "To be an inventor, you have to be willing to live with a sense of uncertainty, to work in this darkness and grope towards an answer, to put up with anxiety about whether there is an answer."

               Well in academics, teaching as well as sound prodigy with an engineered mind, he had a humblest beginning since his birth at Portland, Oregon, raising at San Francisco US, to higher education at Sequoia High School at California to being a fully fledged graduate from Stanford  University.

                 His career started at age of just 20 years when youngsters would just start their enrollment in getting step closer to their college education. He joined Ampex Corporation as a sound instructor cum sound design strategist and rose to level of chief designer where he was instrumental in developing first successful and never heard prototype of world’s first video tape record system.

             It’s being said that “God bestows best talents to only few and the art of molding ordinary people into extraordinary talent comes in small packs”. Same was with the vision; commitment and already discussed traits of a humble cum simple logical creative mindset in him found his company grew from just 04 employees initially to a million human beings employed presently. He was an institution in himself.
Awards and Recognitions:

ü   Marshall Scholarship for Ph.D (1961)

ü  Awarded coveted Oscar award in 1989.

ü  TV Emmy an award for Television fraternity in 1989 and 2005.

ü  Grammy Awards in 1995

ü  Honorary officer of the Order Of the British Empire (1987).

ü  National Medal of Technology (1997).

ü  President of Audio Engineer Society since 1990 to 2011.

                Under his coveted guidance and amidst leadership Dolby laboratories won more than 10 Oscars and 13 Emmy Awards for their achievements.

             For Dolby Labs and sound enthusiasts as well for whole entertainment industry he would ever be cherished and though an illustrious stalwart has dissolved in space, his works will ever remain etched in hearts of all!

                 Last but not the least let us pay a fitting tribute to this legend and for the soul to rest in peace with wordings of few famous people of what they have in heart for Ray Milton Dolby-The Sound Stalwart.

                                                            I.        Kevin Yeaman-President & CEO of Dolby Labs:
-“Today we lost a friend, mentor and true visionary who founded Dolby Labs based on 5 core success principles-Commitment, creating Value/utility space envisioned with innovation and last but not the least impassioned and ardent belief to continuously grow as a inspired motivated unit”.

                         II.        Neil Portnow- President of the National Recording Arts and Sciences, which hands out Grammys in his tribute to Mr Dolby talked the way “ How He single handedly changed the way one listens to music and movies and great contribution in form of Dolby 3D surround sound and digitalization of audio-video media”.

                III.        Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan: With Choked voice and emotions “A Void has filled across film and entertainment fraternity as sound has lost its famous charmer Ray Dolby forever”.

Hope his soul rest in peace and may the legacy of Dolby Industries continue and reign supreme with all its charm!



Friday 13 September 2013



            With the ever growing competitive and dynamically attributed modern world, either of the two only attracts or appease a customer.    

Miniature or small and
·        Bigger/huge facet of any concept.
                     Then be it a smaller or a bigger (5”) smart phones or ordinary designer crockery set (small or big) or even for that matter the competitive automobile market which has seen a huge paradigm shift with presence of small cars to trendier, sportier and powerful  bigger SUV’s, Sedans, MUV’s etc.
            Today with technologically improved and with advent of modern lifestyle the world has changed zillion folds the way it looked earlier.  It’s not just the style iconity and statement for getting attached with a huge or small facet of anything but the spice or the zing it powers to be called a proud owner of the same.
             Avid gadget and car enthusiasts might be aware of the ongoing trend when there exists a smaller or huge version to flaunt with in both the segments. Let us now ponder upon the area of changes being bought in both these ever hottest segments.

               Arriving on the epicenter of topic “When Small goes bigger” we focus our view panes on electronic market and auto world, the buzz round it and futuristic approach of respective major brands to cope up the global competition from emerging markets like India, Japanese and European markets. 

              I.    Smart Phone Industry Changes:
       Gone are the days of smaller 1.5 or 2 inch bar phones as the advent of technology, instantaneously transfer of data, flaunting style and fashion quotient the smart phones have out powered the smaller compatriots. They are available right from 3.5 inches to even 5” and above called Phablets and Moblets-unique combination of smart phones plus tablets.

       According to recent sources from mobile and gadget magazines 95% of Indian consumers have now shifted their base to 5” and bigger smart phablets from smaller end phones because they are more convenient, data transfer is immediate and even one can do a wide variety of activities and they are also a great source of entertainment quotient as well as style & fashion statement. They also add up lot of utility beyond human imagination while one uses these marvels.

                   II.    Other Electronic gadgets changes:
           With ever changing dynamics of tech bytes, gadgets like watches, washing machines, T.V as well as other things are going a great shift from being smaller to bigger so that it adds more value in terms of utility, way it can add more flavor or zing up human imagination and off course hot it can power its style & fashion quotient. Ex: Android powered watches can be used as a smart phone and can be used as a remote to switch on TV or other gadgets, TV can be accessed on these watches, washing machines operated on Android or windows OS can be a huge entertainment quotient apart from being used as daily chores for oneself.

                  III.  Auto World and makeovers:
There’s no doubt that how the trend statement in ‘Sub four meter segment’ has produced a new class of automobiles and transformed the upgrade options that were available to auto fan following.  Gone are the days when there existed Maruti’s famous bandwagon 800’s, Alto’s and Hyundai’s first bandwagon Santro ruled harshest market like India for over more than a decade is no longer in run.
With the ever changing desires, preferences and dynamics in auto world first was era of premium hatchbacks like Maruti’s Swift, Hyundai’s I10, I20, Volkswagen Polo, Honda Jazz, Chevy Spark and Beat, Tata Indica’s which then paved way to sedan’s like Maruti Suzuki Dezire, Honda Amaze, Ford Fiesta, Tata’s Indigo Manza, Hyundai’s Elantra to name a few amongst others.
Tempting creativity amongst major auto makers in world now have introduced spell bound marvel like SUV’s, MUV’s and LUV’s.
With the greatly populated country with harshest and busiest roads came a plan to get compact mix of hybrid variety of sedan’s and hatchbacks called SUV’s like Ford Ecosport, Mahindra Quanto, Nissan Terrano and other companies SUV’s which can be parked at ease and also can carry a maximum load of 7-8 people with lots of boot space for comfort travel and long rides.
No wonder that they are revolution drivers and with the great paradigm shift from small to compact sedan’s to compact, elegant, sporty, powerful and go getter attitude compact mini SUV’s, MUV’s like Mahindra Xylo’s, XUV 500’s, Renault Duster are reigning in spree for consumers who are undisputed kings and have a wider preference.

Definitely one cannot completely ignore the utility of smaller compact cars or things, but with constant and prolonged changes in technological front as well as human needs, desires, preferences and lust to capture everything, world’s become a centre stage and witnessing a lot more futuristic designer cum compact and sturdier yet elegant beasts. With it will go the notion that only “smaller can look beautiful”. Same would be revolutionized in case of other things or concepts.    

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Rajan effect-Sensex regaining lost charm

Rajan effect-Sensex regaining lost charm?
Raghuram Govinda Rajan- NEW Face of RBI
Highly pressured situation like monitoring and maintaining dwindling currency rates, chalking out a recovery process thereon, maintaining a close watch dog like situation would almost catch up with even the best man running the show and when. Immediate move on from the very first day! Hard to believe ah! But yes, there are exceptions in form of some superhumans who can turn tables upright down and make impossible things look possible.   
       MR. Rajan on way to OATH Ceremony at RBI HQ.
Mr. Rajan after taking the reigns of R.B.I from former chief D.Subba Rao
My privilege to present the future leader cum savior of dwindling Indian economy and reviving markets. Touted as one man Army by his predecessor Mr. Duvvara Subba Rao, the former RBI governor of India praised his successor Raghuram Rajan-Present Indian RBI governor who might have miles to go for reviving our dwindling economy and currency rates. However unlike any other normal person, he got down to the business in a jiffy the very next moment he took the reins of governorship of RBI on September 5Th 2013.

              Raghuram Govinda Rajan  was always a champion in any field-then be it academics, physical field as well as holding key posts in the past like being
·        Chief economic advisor to Indian ministry of finance in previous fiscal year.
·        Chief economist at IMF (International Monetary Fund) from year 2003 to 2007.
·        His act of foreseeing future came true as he had aptly predicted in 2005, the great recession of 2008.

The quagmire of recessed economy, depreciating currency value against other currencies, slowing growth, high inflation as well as account deficit might be a big challenge in front of Mr. Rajan. However he buoyed the rising concerns with an ever optimistic smile stating that his agenda to attack the growing menace would have a mix of certain popular steps/ideas taken from his previous counterparts in office as well as unpopular never heard agenda would also be on cards.
                            Quick to analyse the surmounting economic crisis plus plethora of unlikely and unrealistic events like GDP growth touching all time low of just being at 4.4%, inflation rate touching 5.79%, a steep rise of 7.72% than the last year saw surging rise in all essential commodities as well as even electronic and other goods. Biggest challenge faced in front of Rajan and his new team is about taming rupee tumble which has been the worst since 1991 crisis viz at 20% as taken by close media sources. Hence like any other offie in the business, he announced a set of remedial measures which contains right mix of already existing measures as well as some unpopular and unheard tactics.
                          Some of the prominent steps induced in RBI fold for very first time are as given below:
         i.    Enhancing exporters limits and allowing more investments from foreign companies giving a stake of 400% of net worth of company which is currently increased from 100% net worth, but the catch is that funds must be accumulated only through ECB’s (external commercial borrowings).

        ii.    Decreasing banks mandatory holding of government securities like Treasury bills (T-bills), CMB’s (Cash Management Bills), Dated government securities like State Development Loans (SDLs), National Savings Certificate and other forms of securities for enhancement of free up capital for lending purpose.

      iii.    Special concessional window to swap FCNR (foreign currencies non-resident) deposits through which banks can mobilize and bring in huge turnover worth $10 billion from swapping the foreign currencies.

      iv.    He also announced in his debut speech that banks would be freed from RBI in setting up new branches to which both PSU banks, government and even private banks have welcomed move as increased branches plus more power helps in enhancement of transactional abilities and attracts lot more investors. It also puts an end to 25 years of jurisdiction from RBI, though RBI can still hold power of changing, monitoring rules formulated by the banks.

       v.    He has also gone for conversationalist approach by having proposed the issue of inflation-indexed bonds linked to the consumer price index, an indication that the central bank may soon shift its inflation benchmark from the wholesale price index.

      vi.    RBI in tandem with new governor’s explicit ideas have allowed all banks to borrow from overseas market to increase to 100%, up from earlier limit of 50% on unimpaired Tier I capital as at the close of the previous quarter, with an upper limit of $10 million.

It seems that the way Mr. Rajan has started his campaign with new fresh, affirmative ideas have finally paved way for a great leadership as well as have given a fresh lease of hope as Indian markets-both equity & debt, stock market, sensex welcomed all initiatives as one would really be surprised as rupee surged ahead for fourth consecutive session to set a record hike of 6% and is highest since 1973. It closed 63.84 yesterday a gain of 2%. There were positives from sensex arena too as rupee made a strong recovery and benchmark sensex rose 3.77% to close on 727.04 points, biggest since May 2009. NSE also surged ahead by 3.81% to close on all time high of 5896.75, highest ever since 2009.

                        It also bought great news as for the very first time since July last year, trade deficit narrowed down to $10.9 bn than 12.2 bn as observed at start of this year. Kudos to his legitimate decisions and leadership skills, the exports have now risen to 13%, thus putting a year end drought on trade deficit.
                  So far so good…… He has the perfect vision and has perhaps done something which looked distantly impossible till few months ago and when! Just joined and going stronger from day one!
However the query mostly famous in media, trade and financial analysts cum advisor is that

A) Can he continues on the good work and if so till how long?

B)  How effective can his strategies work and can it deliver key results against all odds like inflation, depleting currency and so on……       

                           Though a highly pressure cooker situation, time only might tell if he can be a savior or just be like the other people in business. But hoping he would be a game changer and will revive olden smooth days back in India.