Tuesday 3 September 2013

Food for Tort

Food for tort
Not to be confused with food for thought, but yes one can definitely  imagine that general public or people living BPL (Below poverty line) are just been fooled. The issue raised here in this context is about recent “Food bill” that has been passed by the government which states at one hand that malnutrition, hunger, poverty etc would be controlled and people living Below poverty line would receive the essential food commodities like rice, whole wheat, pulses, grains etc supplied at Rs.3 per Kg, coarse cereals like jowar, ragi, bajra and other such items at Rs. 1 per Kg and 35 Kg’s of rice, wheat etc. However for a country with a population of 1,241 million and rising, food security bill is not enough. No doubt a great faction of people comprising of researchers, analyst, social activists, members of opposition parties as well as media and general public have even touted food security bill as Food Insecurity bill instead.
              Government have also announced that by the year 2016, India would be declared as poverty less or malnutrition less country. However with the present rate of inflation as well as deflating currency issue soaring at an alarming level, meager announcements would not defy that situation is uncontrollable at this juncture. Launching this scheme just cannot defy the scene that a common man/general public undergoes in every day scenario. However we cannot predict a straightforward as well as good scheme from a government wherein they are on rampaging spree with the ever increasing list of corrupt, tainted officials.
                Just like a qualitative work is most important aspect than just quantitative work, same way government must realize that it’s just not quantity which matters but the quality of food supplied to two thirds of Indian population (82 crores) must not be of subsidized or sub-standard quality as it’s been usually seen till now. Next important thing which matters really the most is

  • Whether food security bill passed would really see off the day viz will be a reality or will just be as in paper like many other amendments, laws or bill being passed by government.
  • Whether the food security program with an estimated budget of Rs. 1,30,000 Crore government support will be a scam free one or would also suffer from similar issues as other programs do have suffered.
  •  Whether the approved food security bill passed would reach the target audience viz the below poverty line people? Since there’s many such approved amendments and laws, but only on paper which has still not reached midst of general public.
  •  Like many pending law and scam related cases still cornered to our judiciary system, proposed food security bill would really be effective or any other issue will arise. Only time will tell. So instead just passing food security bill is not enough as present judiciary system faces a lot of other major issues which is still not been answered to general public.
                Well one would be wandering what’s meant by tort? And what’s the current pretext of it in giving such a title. “TORT” refers to a kind of word used to refer US judicial law or system wherein “stringent or tough action” can be taken or in other words right to execute lawful action/proceedings against any crimes/atrocities etc committed against general public.  
                 However in our judiciary system corrupt people, violators etc are not tactfully punished. The result of which are millions of pending cases in law books or unclosed and unrevealed judicial flaws. Hope that food security bill doesn’t prove to be insecure and is protected from scams, judiciary flaws and other related issues and reach to target audience. If not, it will enact same scene that of “Rich getting even more richer, poor getting poorer” as well as “General public suffering a lot with other issues”.

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