Thursday 5 September 2013



Dr. Sarvealli Radhakrishnan
 One can never ever deny the top most contributions made by these important people in any path of our lives. Mother to bring a new life on earth amidst exuberant pain and nurture it, father to safeguard as well as nurture it. However most important and vital work is that of a teacher who provides the light or enlightenment to a soul in form of education and also provides shape to our goals, career etc. 


                  There is Mother’s day, father’s day, and even Valentine’s Day- a craze now everywhere. However sadly engulfed in worldly chores as well as innumerable sacrifices, initial struggles, everyone forgets the binding power or the core person behind our success viz the Educationalist, power source of enlightening us who are none other than our Teachers. 

                    Undeniably one can never ever forget compassion, generosity, unlimited advises and last but not the least the vital nectar in form of basic foundation stone of getting educated from our mentors right from kindergarten level to higher ups. It’s even well said that our teachers take any form and their success lies with not the way they get growth, but the way we grow to be famous or eminent personalities in society.
                There cannot be a better day to commemorate our teacher’s on the wake of teacher’s day and remembering them for their special contributions in a particular field/area or the community in general. Sadly, but true that with a rat race kind of world, majority of us tend to realize that if mother-father duo makes the roots of a society, teachers are the branches who powers the tree viz we in rat race world are dwindling the intricate relationship shared with our mentors, teachers or professors as fondly called at any level. The only time one gets to share or even ever done the role of teacher is at school or to certain extent college level on Teacher’s day.
                   Teacher’s day celebrations and dates vary in different countries unlike World Teacher’s day which is unanimously celebrated on October 5Th worldwide. Let us have pondered upon life of one such philanthropist, educationalist, social activist and great leader of Indie India.

Teacher’s Day in India: Remembering Dr Radhakrishnan:
India the hub for world education celebrates Teacher’s day in fond remembrance of Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who amongst being the first vice president and Second president of India was also an educationist cum mentor and even great social activists. On this day of 05th of September, birth occasion of Dr. Radhakrishnan, we Indians celebrate and honor his works as well as that of millions of efforts of our teachers who despite being paid less amount for work they put in are ever happy, satisfied lot and above all the respect they get in return is sometimes impeccable and at times even goes un noticed.

                      Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan fought against all odds in life and from a tender age he was fond of studies and even was a child prodigy. Since his childhood, he developed a bonding towards teaching. He hold multiple post in various national & foreign institutions before being elected as Vice president and president. Some of the attributes are as shown:

AN Educationalist (Teacher's role):

  •     1909 to 1918 in Madras Presidency College where he was appointed to the Department of Philosophy. 
·   Professor of Philosophy by University of Mysore at Maharaja’s college-still a premiered institution in Mysore from 1918 onwards.

·  In 1921 he was appointed as a professor in philosophy to occupy the King George V Chair of Mental and Moral Science at the University of Calcutta.

·  From 1931 to 1936 he hold the post of Vice-chancellor of Andhra University and even the famous Banaras Hindu University till January 1948.

·       He also mentored international league of students at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford and International Congress of Philosophy at Harvard University in 1926.

Awards & Recognitions:  

v     He was the first civilian from Independent India to be honored with             Bharat Ratna in the year 1954.  

v      First Indian & Asian to receive “British Knight Bachelor” title in the year 1931. 

v   Honorary membership of the Order of Merit viz ‘Sir’ in year (1963) which he later refused on moral grounds.  

v Awarded Templeton Prize in 1975 by Cambridge University for exemplary work based on country’s religious heritage and sought to convey a universal reality of God that embraced love and wisdom for all people.

Philosophy & Works: 
                                        v     Articles for reputed journals like “The Quest, Journal of Philosophy and the International Journal of Ethic”.                                                           

  Book named “The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore” wherein he believed Tagore’s philosophy to be “Manifestation of India and it’s people”.                                                                                                     

v  The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy released in year 1920 was also acknowledged best sellers in International book arena that year.     
v  He also made exemplary effort for western community to follow Indian philosophy. In other words he was the “Father of Indian philosophy”. In his book “An Idealist View of Life” he made a powerful case for the importance of intuitive thinking as opposed to purely intellectual forms of thought.

        In year 1962, he was elected as second president of Indie India and got accolades not just nationally but even global front. The general public wanted to commemorate him on his birthday on 05th Sep 1962. 

      That’s when he proposed this very day to be celebrated as “Teacher’s Day” as he was staunch believer that “Teacher’s are best minds of the country who shape the world and next gen”.

          His death in the year 1975 on 17th April might have bought curtains down on an illustrious educationist, rationalist, socialist as well as a great mentor and leader who attempted Indian philosophy reach new heights. But not before he had foreseen that India would once be an education hub of world which has really come true. 

           As a true citizen I want to give my token of respect to this great soul of India along with millions of teaching/faculty round just not in India but globally.

"A small token of gratitude and love to all Teachers and Educationalist round the world".

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