Wednesday 4 September 2013

What's Creativity?

What's Creativity?

             A complex word like creativity takes up a lot of sense and cannot just be described very naturally. From the artificial as well as limitations binding our very heart, soul, mind we blindly believe that something which is beautiful, unique or which is beyond our imagination or perception is creativity. Its realm is beyond the way it is generally shown in arts, literature, dance, music or be it any other field. It’s as if one huddles inside an imaginative known world to search if there’s existence of GOD or the omnipotent elsewhere wherein every human being is in itself a remarkable expo of GOD viz he resides in every one of us.            
           The egoistic, selfish and last but not the least the smallest , lightest part and powerhouse of our body- The human brain filled with full of thoughts, confusion etc is just the way that of the navel of a Kasturi deer who runs behind the trail of scent emanating from its own navel, but lingers or search it in woods thinking it’s coming from outside. Similarly we search god or drive round and round unrealistic things not accepting at last reality from our mind wherein as old age adage says it all that “All beings created by GOD is potentially divine”.
           Hence the realm of creativity is not just limited to any one form or the way we perceive it to be. Nothing in this universe is mundane. 

v Right from smallest speck of dust, microbe or even for that matter tiniest virus/bacteria/amoeba to the largest animals, birds.
v Tiniest twinkling stars present in millions in sky to the red bright sun and luminescent moon spreading its white radiance illuminating earth's crust. 
v The range of planets from smallest to largest in entire cosmos/universe including the only planet like Earth where life exists is all but a form of manifestation or creativity.
v The beautiful white yet all powerful Himalayan or hilly areas to plains to the all icy cold regions of Antartica to submerged place like that of Venice, Amazon forests and other landscapes etc are all creative.
v Temples, monuments and innumerable mosques and other places, religions etc are also a speck/form of creativity.
v Blossoming of Flowers, seasonal changes, chirping of Birds, herd of deers, Lions or other animals all is happening due to everlasting finch of perfect creativity bestowed on even animals by “Mother Nature”
v The minuteness and detailed perspective of our organs or body parts like that of hands, ears, eyes, heart, brain, feet, legs as well as hoard of other things make up our body which are intricate, well aligned and positioned perfectly and carrying wide variety of inter-intra related works is way too better to think about the extension of creative world. 
v We just name or think a second and we get to know that one cannot just find the start and end of creativity. The perfect personification in this case is about the “beauty of dance of blood gushing through small pores, channels and off course the carriers-Veins through all parts of body to Brain and back”.

       One can keep going on and on in the everlasting quench to explore if there’s any utmost limit wherein creativity seizes. But it’s never bound to happen as even a cooked up story coming from unrealistic corner of mind is in itself a creativity at its pinnacle level. We say that “Nothing is impossible for Man”. 

        However yeah, defining or speaking volumes or searching about core of start and end of creativity is one thing which we can never ever explore or find even in wildest of our dreams. It’s a much broader concept and one must broaden our vision to really experience or even understand the same. 

Moral of the write up: 
No words or anything can ever describe boundary or limit of "Creativity" because the word "creativity" in itself is very creative.

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