Friday 6 September 2013

Solving Corruption at Grass root Level or Top most Level

Solving Corruption at Grass root Level or Top most Level

               Corruption! Inflation! Recession! These words were only heard once way back in 1931 and then they resurfaced only in late 2008-09 and in current context though corruption is one such menace which existed even at ancient times. Imagining world without corruption, no wars would have ever happened; fight for survival would not take place and no life cycle would have given birth to new civilizations, dynasties etc. Whatsoever even if we hate corruption to some extent since it’s man made and reality is that we cannot eliminate it in one stroke or forever?  Like presence of bacteria, virus as well as other tiniest microbes a small level of corruption would still will be left alone.
                Just like the word creativity is perceived as something which is beautiful, unique or which is beyond our imagination or perception, but in reality it has greater-wider means, corruption cannot just be taken to money, gold laundering, scams or other things. 
                Although corruption should be restricted at both the levels viz at Grass root and even at Top level. One can never ever expect that there would be any efforts or even for that matter any small initiative from our top brass or bureaucrats. So only option to restrict corruption left is at Grass root level which is also base level in which general public strives. This level acts as foundation or building block and in case if it in itself is weak, one know what’s the end result. Everything will crumble or fall apart like pack of cards! That’s exactly happening in the wake of current global turmoil especially in our country.
                Before venturing into the topic, a general awareness to one and all that we might think that political turmoil and corrupted roots is just confined to our territory which is a bit true. However corruption is also present in mass in other countries as well. Although not naked to our hearing and vision as general public with equi support from top brass/bureaucrats, strong judicial roots etc minimize or even negate the level of corruption bound in foreign countries.
               Still wandering the perfect methodology or devising strategies that can take years or even decades! Solution is right in front of us and which has already been thrown in limelight from previous discussions. Not a problem, here are few tips as a responsible citizen although hard for us to preach as we know for matter of fact that “We are best teachers, but not good preachers”.

There is no fixed mechanism/methodology etc to eliminate corruption at any levels since it’s a human crafted issue. So only way to minimize corruption especially at base level is to directly strike to the depth by not allowing corruption to develop. Following are the things that can control corruption from taking roots:
      A.  Putting a complete full stop to bribes: Primary issue of corruption which in later part transforms into dreaded issues like
·        Inflation
·        Deflating currency crisis.
·        Recession
·        Great economic depression
·        Unemployment and many other global issues
               Is only due to the increased involvement of bribe and keeping bulk money or liquid resources in form of cash, gold or precious metals, fixed assets like real estates, property, land & buildings, lending or taking bribes for fulfilment of self objectives etc should first be stopped as it would reduce level of corruption.

        B.  Not entertaining donations in educational institutions, industries, medical fields: Accepting and even providing donations in any form-cash,  cheque, demand drafts or in any other from must be stopped especially in educational institutions, government organizations, private organizations and medical fields. Donations, bribes have taken such dreaded forms that people even commit suicide as their wards are not given admissions in schools/colleges. Sometimes doctors in wake of not being provided a good fees or donation refuse to treat emergency cases leading to even death of patient. One cannot forget their duties/responsibilities for sake of monetary benefit as one and all must realize eternal truth that we don’t posses or take anything when we are born or even during our death. But our egoistic, self centered mind always drives us to earn more and more just for fulfilling our needs, desires and preferences.

        C.  Stopping Black Money or hoarding of cash, gold, precious metals or other valuable things: Black money is a form of currency wherein there’s over possession of unaccounted wealth, money through their illegal business in form of cash, jewelry or other things not yet been listed in government records. It’s not just limited to top bureaucrats, political top brass, and business people but to even general public. It’s like a witchcraft performing Black Magic and taking possession of our soul & body. Same manner black money eats out our economy leading to the phenomena of poverty, unemployment and other issues.

        D.  Pledging not to be a tax defaulter/evader or file returns properly: This might look a joke and although as a responsible citizen, one must file regular tax and income returns failed to do so may attract penalties/liabilities etc. India has largest community of regular tax payers but at same time there’s increase in the people who defaults by not paying tax or have proper documentation to show filing of taxable source of income. Thus it leads to a huge black money market which in turn leads to hoard of issues other than recession like unemployment, Inflation, depleted rate of currency, fuel hike etc.

        E.   Follow Rules and regulations properly without violating them: Might seem strange to hear or even ever imagined! However joking it might sound, but we at one stake believe in a complex phenomena called “Unity in Diversity” and other related aspectsHowever reality bites the dust as in our case we violate rules at will! Then right from be it causing traffic snarls or jams as everybody wants to be first and fast in the rat race world not giving opportunity for others to negotiate road and ourselves can be followers, helmets for bikers, seat belts to be worn while driving cars etc. But instead everybody wants to lead their way out. We also have a very bad thing within us that in case “there’s no rule which cannot be broken viz in case of rule there must be an anti-rule”. Hence we must follow rules and then must blame/pin-point our corrupted politicians.

                        I can go on and on. But now onus lies within us how we can solve corruption within our level instead of waiting for putting blame on our political or judicial bureaucrats as it’s proven that one cannot ever think of getting any result. These points though might be contradictory, yet at least now might hope to open our soul and insight to help others thereby creating a better scope of world.

So my view points are in front of everyone. Want to have a larger participation and share your points/view on the same. All are invited to share this forum for a noble cause.

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